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As part of the NRS support project's ongoing effort to help states and programs use data for program improvement, a webinar series was developed. These webinars explore critical topics like data collection and quality, data systems, data use, program monitoring, and assessment. The webinars are designed to be interactive and provided an opportunity for participants to ask questions.

Online sharing of NRS-related information has allowed state and local program staff to learn about the NRS without having to leave their offices. Our webinar series seeks to highlight lessons learned and best practices from states on relevant NRS- or WIOA-related topics. This year, the NRS Support project has expanded our offerings to include both informational and training of trainer style webinars. To learn more about our past webinar series, click here.


As in the past, these webinars are open to state and local program staff and the general public as applicable. These webinars are presented in a 60-minute facilitated panel or seminar format, often including a panel of 2-4 state staff presenting highlights from their state’s approach to a particular NRS-related topic.

Training of Trainer

The training of trainer webinars are 90-minute interactive webinars in which state staff are able to gain information, training, and activities that can be used with local program providers. Participants are expected to actively participate in discussions and activities that will help them provide training and offer support within their own state.

NRS Webinars

This webinar provided an overview of key concepts from the 2024 National Reporting System for Adult Education (NRS) Regional Training, “Channeling Change with Data-Informed Decision Making: Considering Options for Program…

This webinar provided an opportunity for participants to dig into the NRS EFL descriptors for ESL and consider what the implications are for instruction and assessment in their states. Participants were also introduced to a…

Every 3 years, the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE), part of the U.S. Department of Education, reviews and updates its information collection requests for the National Reporting System (NRS) for adult…

This webinar highlights the process and resources used by the five states that participated in the 2023 targeted workshop to identify data-informed strategies, potential gaps, and additional considerations in the development…

In this webinar, the NRS support project discussed evidence-based and promising practices that support student recruitment and retention. Speakers included state adult education leaders from Arizona, California, and…

This webinar highlighted teacher retention data trends, state challenges, and examined strategies discussed in the 2023 NRS Regional Training. Two adult education state teams, Utah and Arkansas, provided a snapshot of the…

In this webinar, Indiana, New York, and Oregon shared their state vision for adult education recruitment and enrollment and reflected on key strategies and lessons learned in working to realize these visions. The approaches…

In this webinar, participants learned how the review of instruction, services, and recruitment can assist states in understanding and addressing approaches to recruitment and enrollment. Through presentation, discussion, and…

In this webinar, participants heard from state adult education directors and NRS project staff about their recommendations on what a new leader can work on during the first 90 days in their role. This webinar also highlighted…

NRS Table Changes, (04/22/2021)

This webinar reviews recent changes to NRS tables 4 and 4c and explains how these changes expand reporting on measurable skill gains and what that means for data validation requirements. This webinar also highlights the…

The information presented during this training-of-trainers (ToT) webinar complements the new online course NRS Basics: Measuring Performance Under WIOA. The session covers WIOA performance indicators and introduces a…

To assist states in managing the recent, unprecedented increase in use of distance learning, the NRS team has developed a new resource, NRS Requirement for Participants in Distance Education, available at:…

Introducing the Statistical Adjustment Model for indicators of Performance. This webinar, held March 12, 2020, explains the statistical adjustment model to be used in OCTAE performance target negotiations and introduces a tool…

In this webinar, viewers are provided with an opportunity to review employment and credential postexit indicators, identify challenges in data collection, and explore effective strategies to address the challenges identified.…

Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), adult education programs must collect and report data on measurable skill gains (MSG). Although there are many factors that come into play when working to improve an…

Where your data comes from, and how it is managed, affects your ability to use it purposefully. In this webinar, David Hollender (NRS Support Project staff) offered an approach for mapping the flow of student records data.…

In addition to in-person training and webinars, the NRS support project offers several on-demand online resources for state and local available adult education administrators and staff who need to learn more about WIOA…

Adult education programs serve their students for a finite amount of time, but the impact these programs have on their students’ lives extends well beyond the classroom. To evaluate this impact, it is critical to follow up…

This training-of-trainers (ToT) webinar focused on the reporting requirements, as required through WIOA, and changes to NRS tables, specifically how they affect data collection. Participants reviewed the NRS TA Guide and…

As part of the NRS project’s ongoing effort to help states and programs improve their use of data for program improvement, there is a new webinar series on “Promising Practices in Program Management and Data Use”. Each webinar…