As part of the NRS support project's ongoing effort to help states and programs use data for program improvement, a webinar series was developed. These webinars explore critical topics like data collection and quality, data systems, data use, program monitoring, and assessment. The webinars are designed to be interactive and provided an opportunity for participants to ask questions.
Online sharing of NRS-related information has allowed state and local program staff to learn about the NRS without having to leave their offices. Our webinar series seeks to highlight lessons learned and best practices from states on relevant NRS- or WIOA-related topics. This year, the NRS Support project has expanded our offerings to include both informational and training of trainer style webinars. To learn more about our past webinar series, click here.
As in the past, these webinars are open to state and local program staff and the general public as applicable. These webinars are presented in a 60-minute facilitated panel or seminar format, often including a panel of 2-4 state staff presenting highlights from their state’s approach to a particular NRS-related topic.
Training of Trainer
The training of trainer webinars are 90-minute interactive webinars in which state staff are able to gain information, training, and activities that can be used with local program providers. Participants are expected to actively participate in discussions and activities that will help them provide training and offer support within their own state.