Archived Training Events
2016 Summer Training - LEAP Part II: NRS Measures and Reporting
LEAP into WIOA, Part II: NRS Measures and Reporting will provide state teams with a detailed look at the new NRS reporting requirements and revised tables as a result of WIOA implementation and help them develop a plan for meeting these necessary changes.
2016 Summer Training - LEAP Part I: Planning for Change
LEAP into WIOA, Part I: Planning for Change training will focus primarily on preparing your state for changes related to WIOA.
2014 Summer Training - Data Quality
This workshop focused on data quality issues, provided tools and approaches for improving data quality and program performance, and offered participants the opportunity to review current data quality issues facing their states.
2013 Summer Training - Myth Busters: The Truth About Adult Education
This workshop provided states with training on how to use NRS data to address an evaluation or research topic to inform practice and improve programs.
2012 Summer Training - Going Longitudinal
This workshop helped guide states into the world of longitudinal data systems (LDS). Participants learned about the Federal objectives, resources, and requirements; shared information about their states’ longitudinal systems; defined their objectives and data elements for an adult education longitudinal data system.
2011 Summer Training - Smart Fiscal Management for Adult Education Programs
This training focused on organizing and explaining, in everyday language, the basic financial requirements for managing the Federal adult education and literacy program.
2010 Summer Training - Diving Deep into the NRS Local Pool: Attendance, Transition Outcomes, and Educational Gain
This training focused on ways to analyze the core NRS outcome measure of educational gain, the four followup transition measures and student attendance and suggested areas to examine to plan program improvement efforts
2010 January Training - Lessons From The Field: Implementing Data Use Learning Communities
Building off of the 2009 Regional Training, The Local Connection: Building a Data Use Learning Community, the NRS support project hosted a webinar for state and local adult education staff that showcased data use learning communities that are currently being implemented.
2009 Summer Training - The Local Connection: Building a Data Use Learning Community
This training focused on the characteristics and essential elements of data use learning communities at the state and local level. Training materials include a companion guide to the training, learning community pre- and post- needs assessment surveys, the PowerPoint presentation with facilitator’s notes and corresponding handouts, and other resources.
2008 Summer Training - Building and Sustaining Quality in NRS Data: Strategies for Program Improvement
This year's Summer Training dealt with using NRS data to improve program quality through a four step continuous improvement process for building and sustaining change. Materials include a Guide, a PowerPoint presentation and related training activity handouts, an Excel Data Planning Tool, and other resources on goal setting, evaluation and program monitoring.
2007 Summer Training – Desk Monitoring: Improving Program Performance
The 2007 Summer Training on Desk Monitoring focused on developing a desk monitoring system, including a tool to supplement onsite monitoring visits and a rubric to evaluate program performance. Materials include a Guide, an Excel template to aid in developing a desk monitoring tool, a PowerPoint presentation and corresponding handouts used at the training, and other resources and materials of use to states in a step-by-step development of their desk monitoring process.
2007 March Training – Demonstrating Results: Developing State and Local Report Cards for Adult Education
The 2007 March Training was a repeat of the 2005 summer institute. Using updated materials, the training provided guidance to select state teams to develop their own state and local report cards for accountability. Materials include tools and templates to use in developing report cards.
2006 Summer Training - Learning to be an NRS Data Detective: The Five Sides of the NRS
The 2006 Regional Summer Training addressed several aspects of the NRS including data collection procedures and requirements, improving data quality, and using data for the NRS. In addition, the training provided hands-on resources for using data including charts, graphs, and templates as well as learning materials to aid states in the step-by-step process of becoming a data detective at both the State and Local/Teacher levels.
2005 Summer Institute – Demonstrating Results: Developing State and Local Report Cards for Adult Education
The 2005 Summer Institute provided guidance to select state teams to develop their own state and local report cards for accountability. Materials include tools and templates to use in developing report cards.
2005 The Third Wave: National Seminar on NRS Improvement for State Directors of Adult Education
This training reviewed NRS policy and procedural changes proposed by the U.S. Department of Education for the next two years. We discussed changes and implications for State and Local data collection and explored ways to implement smooth and efficient changes in your state.
2004 Training on Developing an NRS Data System
Learn how to develop requirements that tell in-house software developers or software vendors the capabilities you need to (1) meet the requirements of the NRS; (2) assess the effectiveness of your programs; (3) target areas for improvement; (4) support program-level record keeping needs and more.
2004 Training on NRS Data Monitoring for Program Improvement
This workshop was the fourth in a training series designed to promote the quality and use of data collected under the NRS. The goal of the workshop was to provide training to State staff on how to meet requirements to set Local program performance standards, and how to better monitor and continuously improve their local programs using NRS data.
2003 Training on Using Data
In early 2003, train-the-trainer workshops on Using NRS Data for Program Management and Improvement took place. State teams from 43 States attended these training events that offered a model for using NRS data, as well as ideas on data presentation and analysis and how effective use of data can shape program practices and policies.
2002 Guidance and Training on Data Quality
The purpose of this training, held in summer 2002, was to provide practical, easy-to-understand information and materials for State and Local staff that clarifies the data collection process within the NRS and offers procedures for ensuring the collection of quality data.
1999 Introduction to the Professional Development on the National Reporting System
The purpose of this professional development sequence is to provide background information on the NRS; a discussion on how to interpret and use data at local, State and Federal levels; information on collecting valid and useful data; and planning statewide professional development on the NRS.
Archived Webinars
Rolling Out LEAP II to Local Providers, (12/07/2016)
This webinar provided an opportunity for state staff to reflect on what they learned at the LEAP II regional training and how they could share that information with their local programs. State staff learned what strategies had worked in other states and heard about updates that had been made to the NRS tables since the LEAP II training.
Data Dashboards, (04/06/2016)
In this webinar, our NRS support project dashboard expert and staff from Los Angeles United School District discussed the benefits of data dashboards for adult education programs.
Report Cards, (09/10/2015)
States and programs can use report cards to inform, evaluate program effectiveness or promote the work they do in adult education. To do this effectively, consideration must be given to who your audience is, how you plan to disseminate your report card, what measures you want to include, and how you will evaluate those measures. In this webinar, we had a panel discussion with staff from Idaho and Washington, who discussed how they designed their report cards. We learned what prompted these states to create a report card, how they determined what data to include, and how they designed the report card to make it effective.
Distance Learning, (06/04/2015)
Distance learning allows adult learners who would not otherwise be able to receive adult education services get instruction. In this webinar, staff from Minnesota and Ohio discussed how distance learning works in their states. They shared what prompted them to implement distance learning, some challenges faced in putting it into place, and what the resulting data have shown. Participants also heard tips on how to implement distance learning in their state.
Infographics, (09/23/2014)
Infographics are visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly. In this webinar, state and local program staff from Kansas, Kentucky, and Utah shared how they have used infographics to effectively communicate information, discussing how these infographics were created, how they have been used, and what the effect has been so far.
Longitudinal Data Systems, (05/21/2014)
During this webinar, state staff heard from the experiences of three states in implementing a longitudinal data system, specifically around some of the challenges they faced and lessons learned during this process. Indiana, North Dakota, and Virginia presented on their experiences with implementing a Longitudinal Data System.
Data Use in the Classroom: A Teacher's Perspective, (03/06/2014)
Teachers from local programs in Washington, D.C. and Rhode Island discussed how they are using data in the classroom to improve instruction.
Policies for Program Improvement, (02/19/2014)
Data quality is critical for program improvement and has been the focus of much of the training done through the NRS support project. However, it is not the only determinant. Having state policies in place that encourage programs to make changes that have a positive impact on their data is equally important. In this webinar, state staff from Delaware, North Dakota, and Texas shared how specific policies and practices they have put into place have affected their data, resulting in increases in their states’ post-secondary and GED achievement rates, enrollment rates, and level completion rates, respectively. Participants learned what prompted these states to act, some challenges the states faced in implementing their policies, and what the resulting data have shown. Participants also heard tips on how to implement a similar policy in their state.
Webinar on Data Use in the Classroom, (11/22/2013)
State directors from Oklahoma and Missouri discussed what they have done at the state level to promote data use in the classroom. Then, staff from two local programs from these states discussed how the use of data has been integrated into their program and what the results have been. The webinar focused on how these programs use data in their classrooms, what has worked, what some of the challenges have been, and what their data show.
Webinar on Transition Planning: College and Career Readiness, (08/19/2013)
State staff from Kansas, Massachusetts, and Ohio shared their successes with programs that help prepare adults for the transition from adult education to post-secondary education or the workforce. The webinar focused on what you can do to help adults in your program with this transition, what has worked, what some of the challenges have been, and what actual data show.
Webinar on Managed Enrollment, (05/09/2013)
This webinar focused on what managed enrollment looks like in practice, what has worked, what some of the challenges have been, and what real data has shows. Three states presented on their experiences with managed enrollment: Kentucky, Nevada, and North Carolina.
Evaluation Learning Community (ELC) Webinar Presentations (January and February 2013)
Building off of the ELC training, ELC state teams conducted research projects in one of the following topic areas: Professional Development, Learning and Persistence, or Post-Secondary. States presented their findings to the field in three webinars in January and February. States included: Arizona, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, New York, and Texas.