Virgin Islands

Virgin Islands

Programs and People: 

Monique Faulkner, Ed.D
State Director
Virgin Islands Department of Education
Career, Technical, and Adult Education
1834 Kongens Gade, Charlotte Amalie
St. Thomas, Virgin Islands 00802-6746
Phone: (340) 774-0100 x8901


ABE: TABE 9 & 10, TABE 11 & 12

Data Systems: 

Literacy, Adult and Community Education System (LACES) by LiteracyPro Systems, Inc.

Followup Methods: 

GED/High School Equivalency Diploma: Follow-up Measures
Employment: Follow-up Measures
Transition to Postsecondary Education or Training: Follow-up Measures

Data Tools for Monitoring and Program Improvement: 

Literacy Pro’s LACES is the US Virgin Islands Management Information System (MIS) for Adult Education programs. The State Office utilizes LACES to track and monitor program data and program performance and outcomes. Programs utilize LACES to manage and track local program performance including attendance, pre and post testing of students. In addition to regular technical assistance and follow ups, a key function of the data that is reported in LACES by the programs is to alert the State on programs which may require targeted technical assistance on meeting their KPI’s, as well as informs areas of focus for professional development, and monitoring from the State level.

State Tools and Resources: 

The Virgin Islands Department of Education


Explore featured resources related to WIOA and the NRS including: state guidance, reporting, and external WIOA resources.

Quick Review of the 2024 NRS Table Changes

Reporting Measurable Skill Gains (MSG) Types 3, 4, and 5

NRS Technical Assistance (TA) Guide—Revised April 2024

WIOA and NRS Resources