

Programs and People: 

Stephanie Schab
State Director
Aspire, Ohio Workforce Readiness and Adult Education
Ohio Department of Higher Education
25 South Front Street, 2nd Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: (614) 728-3097


ABE: TABE 11/12, ACT WorkKeys
ESL: TABE CLAS-E, BEST Plus 3.0, BEST Literacy 2.0, CASAS-Reading STEPS, CASA-Listening STEPS

Data Systems: 

Literacy, Adult and Community Education System (LACES) by LiteracyPro Systems, Inc.

Followup Methods: 

GED: Data Match
Employment: Data Match and Survey
Transition to Postsecondary Education or Training: Data Match and Survey
Supplemental Wage: Data Match and Survey

Data Tools for Monitoring and Program Improvement: 

Ohio's AEFLA funded Aspire programs use the LACES data management system. LACES has on demand NRS tables available on a continuous basis throughout the year. Aspire state staff monitor local program data via a variety of tables and reports LACES provides, including but not limited to, NRS tables search, progress testing reports, EFL level gain reports, instructional hours, persistence, and retention reports.

Aspire programs submit data monthly. Aspire state staff monitor LACES data and send out monthly performance charts to the field. On an annual basis, Local Program Desk Reviews are compiled on all funded programs. The Desk Review is a high-stakes accountability document that measures programs' levels of achievement against state targets in participants' measurable skill gain and follow-up outcomes. It also evaluates assessments being used, pre and progress testing rates, as well as compliance with other grant requirements.

Information from the Local Program Desk Review and the monthly data monitoring drives the development of the Local Program Improvement Consultation Plan (PICP). The PICP is a prescriptive continuous improvement tool resulting from a collaborative process designed to assist local program administrators as they examine data to select and implement strategies for program improvement. The primary objectives of the PICP are: 1. To identify program goals, strategies, resources, and tools to support successful program improvement 2. To assist programs in analyzing data and performing a gap analysis to identify program improvement efforts.

Ohio regularly provides in-person data technical assistance, video conferences, email and telephone technical assistance, statewide technical assistance webinars, and training sessions. To ensure that the data collection process is accurate and valid as well as ensure all programs have knowledge of NRS guidelines and requirements.

Ohio also created their own risk assessment tool that is issued on an annual basis. The risk assessment tool looks at additional metrics regarding grant management and program administration. The Aspire staff use the risk assessment tool to evaluate the local program's level of risk for managing the Aspire grant. The level of risk - high, medium, or low – is a determining factor in awarding grants and the amount of intervention/program monitoring needed post award. Assessment of risk, along with Desk reviews, are used to determine programs in need of technical assistance and/or on-site monitoring reviews.

Local programs must annually submit a signed Local Program Data Certification Checklist which is modeled after the federal checklist. This document verifies program compliance with NRS and state follow-up survey requirements. Aspire staff monitor compliance with this and other federal and state requirements during on-site reviews.

State Tools and Resources: 

Aspire – Ohio Workforce Readiness and Adult Education


Explore featured resources related to WIOA and the NRS including: state guidance, reporting, and external WIOA resources.

Quick Review of the 2024 NRS Table Changes

Reporting Measurable Skill Gains (MSG) Types 3, 4, and 5

NRS Technical Assistance (TA) Guide—Revised April 2024

WIOA and NRS Resources