North Carolina

North Carolina

Programs and People: 

Sandra Thompson 
State Director 
North Carolina Community College System 
5016 Mail Service Center 
Raleigh, NC 27699-5016 
Phone: (919) 807-7122  


ABE: CASAS; TABE; Workkeys

Data Systems: 

Benchmark ADVANSYS

Followup Methods: 

GED: Data Match
Employment: Data Match
Transition to Postsecondary Education or Training: Data Match

Data Tools for Monitoring and Program Improvement: 

All programs have a manual of policies and procedures as well as the state assessment policy and guidelines for the policy. We have three contact people who provide technical assistance by telephone, email, and in person. We provide CASAS trainers who train people how to use the assessment. We brought in experts to train and provide technical assistance in TABE, kBEST, and BEST Plus.

The ETL system (Extract, Transfer and Load) checks for all report errors when information is submitted. State staff also looks over reports for possible inconsistencies. If there are errors, we help local programs correct them.

State Tools and Resources: 

North Carolina Community College System


Explore featured resources related to WIOA and the NRS including: state guidance, reporting, and external WIOA resources.

Quick Review of the 2024 NRS Table Changes

Reporting Measurable Skill Gains (MSG) Types 3, 4, and 5

NRS Technical Assistance (TA) Guide—Revised April 2024

WIOA and NRS Resources