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Programs and People

Beth Little
Mississippi Community College Board
Education and Research Center
3825 Ridgewood Road
Jackson, Mississippi 39211
Phone: (601) 432-6138

State Assessments

ABE: TABE 11 & 12

State Data Systems

Literacy, Adult and Community Education System (LACES) by LiteracyPro Systems, Inc.

  • Modifies federal reports upon notification of changes in federal implementation guidelines ensuring reports are always timely and accurate
  • Provides easy-to-use reports for monitoring the progress of students, teachers, classes, and programs across the state
  • Ensures students' personal data is confidential by using the strongest form of encryption
  • Applies safeguards to prevent data from being entered incorrectly or inaccurately
  • Allows various roles for users to control security with student and program data
  • Conforms to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
  • Provides real-time, at-a-glance reports for monitoring purposes and early detection of errors in order to make informed decisions and design technical assistance
Followup Methods

GED: Data Match
Hi-SET: Data Match
Employment: Data Match (National Strategic Planning and Analysis Research Center) 
Transition to Postsecondary Education or Training: Data Match (National Strategic Planning and Analysis Research Center)

Data Tools for Monitoring and Program Improvement

The Office of Adult Education (OAE) provides annual statewide training sessions on the data system, organizes regional networking meetings, offers technical assistance, and enforces program guidelines to ensure compliance with federal and state policies and the NRS.

Utilizing LACES, the OAE monitoring procedures include analysis of data and program performance as well as monthly data submissions and desktop reviews. When warranted, the OAE conducts follow-up onsite visits.

Desktop monitoring and actual on-site review visits make up the process used to evaluate the success and/or areas for program improvement. The OAE utilizes a Desktop Monitoring Tool (DMT) based on the NRS Educational Functioning Levels (EFL), Measurable Skill Gains (MSG), High School Equivalency (HSE) attainment, and postsecondary education and training. ​Mississippi included four additional state indicators to include: 1) Posttest-rate goal, 2) Smart Start Credential attainment, 3) National Career Readiness Certificate attainment, and 4) Career Pathway enrollment.​

The OAE identifies six programs annually for on-site monitoring. Adult education programs are monitored on a three-year rotation and for the 2022-2023 fiscal year, the OAE created the Program Quality and Compliance Review (PQCR) instrument to follow-up on recommendations and technical assistance provided from prior on-site monitoring visits. The PQCR identifies six vital components in the areas of program quality – demonstrated past effectiveness; efficient data quality; relevant professional development; WIOA and State Plan coordination; transition opportunities through career pathways/integrated education and training; and fiscal management. A formal report is submitted to the program under review, and it is designed to assist program directors with enhancing program quality.

In addition to these formal monitoring and evaluation methods, review of program data and other data analysis frequently prompts targeted technical assistance of specific performance areas, which generally include a deeper assessment/evaluation of the area analyzed. Programs that do not meet the annual state performance target are placed on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) and required to complete the DMT monthly, attend monthly/quarterly virtual meetings (based on the need) to review goals, as well as receive intensive technical assistance. If a program is out of compliance with state and/or federal policies, the OAE implements a Corrective Action Plan (CAP). As a part of both plans, the OAE will provide ongoing technical assistance, professional development, and other support until the required steps of the plans are completed. The type of technical assistance, professional development, and other support will be based upon the specific area(s) of deficiency or need at an individual program.

State Tools and Resources

Mississippi Community College Board, Office of Adult Education

Skill UP Mississippi