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Programs and People

Carolyn Zachry
State Director, Adult Education Office
California Department of Education
Career and College Transition Division
1430 N Street, Suite 4503,
Sacramento, California 95814
Phone: (916) 323-5042

Nancy Kim Portillo
Co-Chief Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction
California Department of Education
1430 North Street, Suite Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 324-1597

State Assessments

CASAS, HiSet, GED, and Civic Objectives and Additional Assessment Plans (COAAPs) for EL Civics Section 231 and 243

State Data Systems

TOPSpro Enterprise by CASAS

Followup Methods

GED/High School Equivalency Diploma: Data Match
Employment: Data Match and Survey
Transition to Postsecondary Education or Training: Data Match

Data Tools for Monitoring and Program Improvement

Targeted Technical Assistance (TTA) using Data Integrity Report

Federal Monitoring Review using California Department of Education Monitoring Tool (CMT)

State Tools and Resources

Compliance Monitoring

  • The California Department of Education (CDE) works to provide a coordinated and transparent monitoring process. Within the CDE, the Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) Office has been designated to supervise the FPM reviews, which take place either in person or online. Several factors, including compliance history, program size, and fiscal analysis are considered in identifying LEAs for reviews. Using these established selection criteria, approximately 120 LEAs are selected each school year for on-site or online monitoring. FPM Regional Team Leaders coordinate teams of select CDE program monitors to conduct on-site or online monitoring of the LEA using the Program Instruments. The purpose of the review is to ensure that they are spending the funding as required by law. At the end of each review, the state will complete a report that details any findings of non-compliance and informs the school, district, or county office how to correct the findings. CMT is the platform for conducting this type review.

Targeted Technical Assistance Initiative (For Low Performing Agencies)

  • The CDE Adult Education Office also has a formal process to address agencies that consistently perform at low levels or often exhibit problems related to the collection, management, and use of data. On average the CDE works with 25 agencies per year to insure that: (1) all necessary demographic and participation data is being collected and reported; (2) students are being pre-and post-tested at appropriate times; (3) achieve California State goals for the NRS functional levels and core performance and; (4) comply with requirements outline in program improvement plans.