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Programs and People

Trenia Miles
State Director
Arkansas Division of Workforce Services
Three Capitol Mall
Little Rock, AR 72202
Phone: 501-682-1970
Fax: 501-682-1706

State Assessments

ABE/ASE: TABE 11 & 12

State Data Systems

Literacy, Adult and Community Education System (LACES) by LiteracyPro Systems, Inc.

Followup Methods

GED: Data Match and Survey
Employment: Data Match and Survey
Median Earnings: Data Match and Survey
Post-Secondary Education/Training: Data Match and Survey

Data Tools for Monitoring and Program Improvement

All data is entered at the local level by the director, data entry personnel and/or instructors. Each local provider is required to develop and maintain a Data Entry Procedure with built-in checks and balances to ensure accuracy and timeliness of data entry. At the state level, Regional Program Advisors and the Program Coordinator monitors data regularly through Desk Audits using NRS Tables, attendance reports, class reports, and quarterly reports submitted by local providers to the state office. Inconsistencies and errors are noted and discussed with the affected local provider. Local providers performing below state standards are required to submit monthly reports to the state office as part of a program improvement plan. End of the year annual NRS tables are run by the state office and checked thoroughly.

LACES has a built-in system of checks and balances for data accuracy. It produces alerts and reports that notify local providers and the state of possible data omissions or errors, out of range values, or anomalous data. The state office runs monthly reports that are analyzed for these types of errors. If errors or major inconsistencies are noticed, state staff contacts the local programs for corrections, which must be submitted within one month according to state office policy.

LACES generates Attendance Alerts for students who have not attended class in X days (local providers are able to run reports for any range) and Testing Alerts when a student is eligible for a post-test.

LACES provides technical support for local providers. In addition, Regional Program Advisors and the Program Coordinator is available to provide assistance. In some cases, on-site in-services are provided where programs are having special problems or there has been a turnover in data entry staff or administration.

State Tools and Resources

Arkansas Adult Education Website

Arkansas Adult Learning Resource Center (AALRC)